The best way to find out the latest Barbie Wilde news,
reviews & interviews is to go to Barbie's Facebook Page:
Barbie's Author-Actress Facebook Page:
You can follow Barbie on Twitter at @barbiewilde:
37 years in the making... Grizzly 2: Revenge is finally out there on VOD!
More info on my Grizzly 2 webpage:

Grizzly II: Predator is now titled Grizzly II. Revenge.
The Blu-ray and DVD is scheduled to release on January 08, 2021!
Check out the press and articles about Grizzly II Revenge here:
The Venus Complex, Barbie's diary-of-a-serial killer debut novel, is now available as an audio book
narrated by Hellraiser's Doug Bradley. Available at Audible and all the Amazons.

Barbie's collection of short horror stories, Voices of the Damned, was published by Short Scary Tales
on Halloween 2015 in Trade and Deluxe Edition Hardcover Editions. The Paperback Edition was
published on April 1st 2016. Available on all the Amazons and direct from SST Publications.
Cover artwork by Clive Barker.
For news, reviews and interviews, please go to the Voices of the Damned Facebook Page:

“Damaged people, ultraviolence, murder and explicit sex—
what’s not to love about her work?”
—“Bad Barbie” Featurette, Fangoria (America’s #1 Horror Magazine)
Enter into the mind of Barbie Wilde, whose disturbing interior world
teems with the voices of rebellious female demons, devilish witches, semen-hungry neo-vampires,
raging gods and home invaders, the fiends of sleep paralysis, pint-sized store-front preachers
with a whiff of sulfur, body horrors of the most grotesque kind, clandestine aliens and Zulu zombies.
These truly are the Voices of the Damned: eleven short horror stories from Barbie Wilde,
actress (Hellbound: Hellraiser II, Death Wish 3) and dark crime-horror novelist (The Venus Complex).
Fangoria has called Wilde “one of the finest purveyors of erotically charged horror fiction around.”
Each story is accompanied by seductive, haunting, full color artworks and illustrations created by
some of the most imaginative artists in the genre: Clive Barker, Nick Percival, Steve McGinnis,
Daniele Serra, Eric Gross, Tara Bush, Vincent Sammy, & Ben Baldwin.
was written by FANGORIA Editor-in-Chief and filmmaker Chris Alexander
and the Afterword was penned by AMERICAN MARY writers and directors, the Soska Sisters.
Two editions are available to be ordered directly from Short Scary Tales web site:
1. The full color, standard print, Trade Hardback
2. The full color, premium print, Deluxe Hardback, which includes a free, full color artwork only paperback
called The Art of Voices of the Damned.
The artbook will only be available when you order directly from SST:
Both Trade and Deluxe Editions are available on the Amazons, however,
the paperback artbook will not be given away on Amazon with the Deluxe Edition.
The Starred Review from Publishers Weekly:
In this impressive collection of short stories, actor Wilde (who played the Female Cenobite
in the film classic Hellbound: Hellraiser II) reveals a world of beautiful fear. The most delightfully
terrifying entries form the Cilicium Trilogy, which reveals the complex origin and destiny of Sister Cilice.
This character-focused exploration is sensual in its brutality. In "Writer's Block," Wilde combines the
psychological torture of an unknown artist with the erotic egotism of fandom to create a fascinating sexual
horror. She creates a dreadful family legacy in "Botophobia," in which there are not merely skeletons in the
closet but unworldly powers hidden in the basement. Wilde's mastery of shocking violence is given full rein
in subjects ranging from reclusive self-imprisonment to the exploration of European nightmares.
As much a chilling collection of frightful fiction as a delight for the darker senses,
this is a satisfying triumph in a befitting, unforgiving, style. (Oct.)
“this collection of eleven short stories confirms Wilde as a foremost author of erotic horror fiction...”
—Jon Towlson, Starburst magazine and author of Subversive Horror Cinema:
Countercultural Messages of Films from Frankenstein to the Present
“...her work is so uncanny and fearless, it is a must have for any horror aficionado.”
—writers and directors The Soska Sisters
“Wilde is never one to shy away from verbose analysis of carnal pleasure, and in Voices of the Damned
she certainly sets the bar high with regards to steamy, gory terror.”
—Colin McCracken, Zombie Hamster
“Raised from the dead, this phantasmagoria of tales offers well-written mini-nightmares that
will traumatize, titillate, and stick in your mind long after you’ve closed the book.”
—Filmmaker Izzy Lee, Fangoria Online
If testosterone jumping erotica combined with heart racing fear is your bag of horror then
this is just what you're looking for and Voices of the Damned ranks highly in my box of favourites."
—Paul Nelson, Scream Horror Magazine UK
Fellow Cenobite Nicholas Vince interviewed me about Voices of the Damned
on his Podcast, "Chattering with Nicholas Vince". Click on the photograph to go to Youtube
or click on this link:

Barbie will be appearing at Uncle Frank Productions
Liverpool Horror Fest in the UK on the 15th of August.
Click on the photo to go to the FB Event Page or go here:

Fangoria's Gorezone for Barbie's latest short horror story,
"Writer's Block".
Click on the photo to get to the Fangoria Shop or go here:!/GOREZONE-34/p/50648074

"Writer's Block" is also included in the Grimorium Verum anthology,
edited by Dean Drinkel and published by Western Legends Publishing.
Click on the photo below to go to Amazon to buy the antho, or go here:

Fellow Cenobite Nicko Vince has a fabulous Youtube show called
"Chattering with Nicholas Vince". Past guests have included Jen & Sylvia Soska,
Tristan Risk, Barbie, Jessica Cameron, Ellen Dietz, Tim Dry, Simon Bamford,
Nightbreed: The Director's Cut with Mark Miller & Andrew Furtado, Anne Bobby,
Paul Kane, the folks behind Leviathan: The Making of Hellraiser 1&2 Documentary,
as well as "Original VS Remake" and much more!
Click on the photo to go to Nicko's Youtube Channel or go here:

Chattering with Nicholas Vince!
Please join Nicholas (Chatterer Cenobite) Vince, Jen and Sylvia Soska
and Barbie as they share some suitably ghostly stories and perhaps sing a few carols
on the 14th of December. They hope to be joined by some special guests.
Think of it as a Perry Como Christmas Show, with a lot of laughter. And more fear.
The time in Los Angeles will be 11AM, New York 2PM, the UK 7PM, Europe 8 PM
To participate live in the Google Hangout, go to:
To watch later on Youtube, go to:

Check out this latest interview of Barbie with Ryan Mudd of The Examiner.
Click on the photo below to be taken to the Examiner website.

or click on this link:
Here's Barbie's latest interview with Kim Layman of The Art of Horror.
She chats about her latest acting role in Bad Medicine,
her latest short stories in new anthologies and more!
Click on the photo to read the interview on Facebook:

Barbie had a fabulous time in Liverpool UK at The Living DeadCon on the 11th of October.
Here's a photo of her with the legendary Dave Prowse, who is looking forward to reading
his copy of The Venus Complex. Click on the photo to check out LDC's website:

Barbie is "Chattering with the Chatterer" in her latest interview
with fellow Hellraiser Cenobite Nicholas Vince in his
Luggage in the Crypt Event. She chats about what she'd take
to the Afterlife (books, films, etc.) and more!
Great new review of The Venus Complex at Horror Punks:
"And like a blood-colored orchid, this beautiful horror takes its delicate time.
Amassing plot points, and ideas, history and material before going in for the kill."
New interview with Barbie by Hayley Alice Roberts at Love Horror:

Click on the link or the above photo to go to the interview:
Hayley also reviews films, etc., at Hayley's Horror Reviews:

Click on the link or the above photo to read Hayley's latest reviews:

With the legendary George Romero

Barbie Wilde has been tempted back to the big horror screen by "Bad Medicine".
The original and visually enthralling script by Amazon #1 Horror Author Dave Jeffery
and the film will be directed by James Hart.
“Anyone who remembers the classic horror anthologies such as ASYLUM,
with Robert Powell and Peter Cushing, or King and Romero’s CREEPSHOW
will have an idea of what VLM Productions is hoping to achieve with its next project.
BAD MEDICINE is a psychological horror film that contains five stories – or segments –
united by a wraparound story. The film is set in a modern day mental health unit where a
therapist is holding a group therapy session. Five participants each recount their story in the
hope the therapist can resolve their trauma and help them to move on. But what happens if the
therapist is not what they seem and has something far more sinister in mind for their patients?”
- Rue Morgue
Check out this video made by Barbie about the project:
Thanks to Horror Homework for another great review of The Venus Complex:
"The novel races along with voyeuristic glee...
"...this book is recommended reading for all of you fine students of Horror Homework!"
Click on the photo below to read the full review:

And so Leviathan: The Story of Hellraiser and Hellbound: Hellraiser II begins...
Filming started on the 24th of November with fellow Cenobite Simon Bamford.
And I'm looking forward to being interviewed on the 7th of December.
Click on the photo to be taken to the Leviathan Facebook Page:

Or click here:
Fabulous highlights of my interview Ian Winn and Peter Cox of Litopia on Youtube here.
[Please note: Youtube inexplicably took down the previous upload
of these interview highlights. This is a new link.]
Click on the photo to go to Youtube:

or go here:
Latest review of The Venus Complex at Horror Honeys.
"Hardcover Honey Verdict: Four Creepy Stars Out of Five -
Plus some crazy sexual nightmares."
Rue Morgue Online's Alan Kelly of Hell's Shelves reviewed The Venus Complex:
"Wilde expertly charts Michael’s diabolical descent into voyeurism, stalking
and murder in a transgressive tale that would make Patrick Bateman blush."
For more reviews of The Venus Complex, go to
and Goodreads:
Barbie Wilde and Simon (Butterball Cenobite) Bamford will be attending the
Darlington Film Club's Double Bill of Hellraiser and Hellbound on November 18th.
Click on the photo below for more info from the DFC's FB Page:

Rue Morgue #139 (print and digital magazine) also reviews The Venus Complex:
"Shocking and explicit, Barbie Wilde's The Venus Complex is an intimate tour of
Michael Friday's mind as he morphs from a misogynistic, hyper-intelligent university
professor into a sexually-charged, calculating serial killer. Written in journal form,
Friday reveals his most gory necrophilic fantasies, and then makes them a reality.
Not for sensitive readers; after finishing this book you might never feel clean again."
- Jessa Sobczuk
Click on the photograph to go to the Rue Morgue website to subscribe:

Barbie in the Women in Horror UK Calendar 2014.

(Photo by Tina Korhonen for The Women in Horror UK Calendar.)
Barbie Wilde and Nicholas (Chatterer) Vince will be appearing at Grimmfest Film Festival
in Manchester on the 4th of October. Click on the photo below to go to Grimmfest's website:

And check out Grimmfest's Facebook page here to vote
for your favorite Hellraiser film (1, 2, 3) to be shown at the Festival:
Barbie and Nicko will be doing a Q&A after the screening of the Hellraiser film
and also signing copies of their books and photos.
Barbie posing with one of her props in a behind-the-scenes
photo for the Women in Horror UK Calendar 2014.
Thanks to: Melanie Light, Fran Hounsom, Tina Korhonen, Emma J Slater & others.
Check out the WIH CalendarUK FB Page here:
All profits to go to Rape Crisis:
and the Sophie Lancaster Foundation:

Review of The Venus Complex by Garret Cook
for The Imperial Youth Review:
"Read the damn book. Watch every movie the lady’s been in,
read every antho in which this woman’s appeared.
Fall in love with tainted love and fight the frightfuls,
The Venus Complex is, in every sense of the word, the real thing."
Click on the photo below to read the full review on The Imperial Youth Review website:

Brutal as Hell's Annie Riordan reviewed The Venus Complex:
"Not even in Hell’s deepest, darkest labyrinth could you find anything sicker, nastier
or more depraved than the narcissistic conquests of Michael Friday, the killer you should hate,
but can’t help but like a little bit. And Wilde’s ability to make this smug, arrogant bastard at all likable
is both amazing and deeply disturbing. My moral compass tells me I should hate her for this,
but my morbid curiosity demands that she produce a sequel post haste."
The British Fantasy Society's Chris Limb reviews The Venus Complex:
"This is not a novel for the faint of heart and definitely NSFPT (Not Safe For Public Transport),
but the skill with which it is written means that some of the
darker imagery will haunt the reader long after they turn the final page.
Click on the photo below to read the full review at The British Fantasy Society's website:

Barbie's short story, POLYP, originally published in The Mammoth Book of Body Horror,
has now been reprinted in the new anthology, The Unspoken, edited by William Meikle
with a Forward by Ramsey Campbell. All profits from the book go to the cancer charity,
the Beatson Cancer Research Institute.
Amazon review: "Polyp by Barbie Wilde is another standout story.
Crazy, gut wrenchingly horrible, it is one of the wackiest tales I have read in a long while."
Click on the photo to go to Amazon to get your Kindle version of the anthology:

Snakebite Horror has made The Venus Complex their Book of the Month:
"Barbie Wilde has an excellent grasp of the male POV as she walks us through the creation
of a killer. She takes the reader on a journey into the mind of a twisted individual, as he comes
to terms with who and what he really is. This tightly-written page-turner is not for the faint of
heart. It contains some (amazingly written) graphic sex and death scenes. Step into the shoes
of a serial killer and pick up your copy of The Venus Complex..."
- Review by Mandy DeGeit
Barbie's latest short story, "A is for Alpdruck", is featured in the
new anthology, The Demonologia Biblica, edited by Dean M. Drinkel,
out now on Western Legends Press. Cover Art: James Powell
... twenty-six writers from around the globe, offer new stories to
scare, frighten and chill you to the bone."
Click on the photo to go to to buy the paperback:

Or click on the photo below to purchase your Kindle copy from

Another interview with Barbie, this time by Mark Buckle
at the Labyrinth website:
" and death will always be the most fascinating topics for human beings,
no matter how much they would prefer to ignore them." - BW

Interview with Barbie at This Is Horror by Michael Wilson about The Venus Complex
and writing horror, as well as her favorite writers, filmmakers, etc., in the horror world.
Click on the photo to go to This is Horror to read the full interview:

Cool review of The Venus Complex by New York Times
bestselling author/editor/filmmaker John Skipp at Fangoria Online:
"But I think what I like most about this news story is that she kicked my ass
so hard with her first novel. Turns out Barbie Wilde is even scarier than we thought.
And that is a terrible, beautiful thing."

Great interview & feature on Barbie's writing & The Venus Complex in Fangoria #321.
Click on the photo to go to the BW website page to read the complete article or
click on the Fangoria Interview button on the left:

Or click here:
Interview about Hellraiser, Cenobites and The Venus Complex
with by the Hellraiser Podcast guys.
Click on the photo to go to their website to have a listen:

Barbie was interviewed on the Jimmy Star Show on the 13th of February.

Great teaser for the next issue of Fangoria #321:
"Once an onscreen Cenobite, she now elicits fear with the written word."
Click here to go to the Fangoria website to read the full preview of issue #321:

And more from Fangoria here:
"Wilde, of course, starred as the Female Cenobite in HELLBOUND: HELLRAISER II
and as a punk thug in the late Michael Winner’s cult classic DEATH WISH 3.
She’s well known in the UK as a media personality, however, and in recent years
as one of the finest purveyors of erotically charged horror fiction around.
Her first full length novel THE VENUS COMPLEX is featured, along with a new
interview with Wilde, in the upcoming FANGORIA #321…

The latest issue of the UK's Number 1 Horror Entertainment Magazine,
Scream (#16), is out now. It features a four page feature on Barbie, with an interview
with Michael Wilson, as well as a cool review of The Venus Complex:
"... addictive, gory and will evoke both repulsion and empathy."
Click on the photo to go to Scream's website to order a copy:

Sci-Fi Bulletin's Paul Simpson reviews The Venus Complex:
"Barbie Wilde has a knack for getting inside her character’s head
and taking us with her on his journey of self-delusion – in fact it’s almost the exact
opposite of a road to self-discovery."
"Verdict: A view into the abyss made all the more chilling by the realisation
that it could all too easily be exactly how such a person considers the world."
Click on the photo to go to the Sci-Fi Bulletin Website to read the full review:

Barbie is the Guest Writer on award-winner author Paul Kane's website, ShadowWriter.
Click on the photo to go the website to read an excerpt from The Venus Complex:

Great review of The Venus Complex by Blood E. Bastard at the Horror News Network:
"The Venus Complex is a deftly plotted and calculated work of terror. Like the painted masterworks
Michael Friday draws from to inspire his blood-fest, each verbal brushstroke falls on the page at the
precise spot Barbie Wilde wants it."

Interview with Michael DeFellipo of The Horror Society.
Click on the photo to go to the interview:

The Venus Complex is on Gabino Iglesias of HorrorTalk's Top Books of 2012 list at Number 3:
"A novel by a female Cenobite that gives the world a smart, artistic, cynical, cultured serial killer who
could give Hannibal Lecter a run for his money. On top of that, this is a poignant, funny, sexually-charged,
hardcore critique of popular culture and a deconstruction of relationships, academia, and art."
Click on the photo of BW to go to HorrorTalk website:

or click here:
Interview with Gabriel Ricard at Drunk Monkeys.
Click on the photo to go to the interview:

Review of The Venus Complex by Gabriel Ricard at Drunk Monkeys:
"The Venus Complex is full of brilliant, flawless touches throughout Michael’s transition
from extremely disturbed, to the kind of serial killer that would eat a guy like Dexter Morgan alive."
"The Venus Complex is the work of someone who loves and understands the inner
workings of truly effective horror, can write with exceptional talent, and combines both of
these things into one of the best depictions of steadily mounting evil this side of Poe.
Or Clive Barker, for that matter. "
Click on the photo to read the full review:

Review of The Venus Complex by Gabino Iglesias for Horror Talk:
"While Wilde's smart-yet-unhinged character is definitely one of the main elements making
The Venus Complex a must-read, it's really the author's writing chops that help this tome stand out.
Although this is purely a horror novel, there are passages that make you laugh, a few that wouldn't be
out of place in a critical essay about contemporary television, and some so deliciously vicious, evil,
and coldhearted that they place Michael Friday in the spot I mentioned above:
right next to Hannibal Lecter."
"The Venus Complex is a clever, grisly, art-infused, sexually-charged narrative
that will keep you turning pages."
Click on the photo to read the full review:

The Venus Complex was chosen as one of The Ginger Nuts of Horror "Books of the Year":
"This brilliant look into the mind of a serial killer is full of poetic anger, and beautiful vitriolic
ranting that it makes you wonder from which pit of hell the lovely Barbie came from.
In a genre saturated with bland serial killers, and even blander plots, this book shines out like a beacon."
Click on the photo to go to the website to read the rest of the review and see the other books on the list:

Click on the photo to go to Barbie's podcast with the 80s Picture House,
where she chatted to Dave and Thom about everything 80s, including her days in
Shock, teaching Sooty how to be a robot, dancing with Morecambe and Wise, playing the
Female Cenobite in Hellraiser II and her new dark crime novel, The Venus Complex:

Review by Jon Towlson of The Venus Complex in Starburst Magazine:
"Best known for her role as the Female Cenobite in Hellraiser 2, Barbie Wilde is also an
author who has contributed short stories to anthologies as varied as Hellbound Hearts,
Phobophobia, Mutation Nation and the Mammoth Book of Body Horror. As might be expected,
her writing tends towards the transgressive, and in its mix of psychological horror, art
and eroticism, her debut novel, The Venus Complex is no exception."
"Although The Venus Complex had been compared to American Psycho,
mainly because its first-person narration draws you inside the mind of the serial killer protagonist,
Barbie Wilde’s novel is distinctly Hitchcockian in its portrayal of murderous obsession."
Click on the photo for the full review at the Starburst Magazine website:

Very cool review of The Venus Complex in the new Fear Magazine, November 2012:
"… the Professor appears, even in his writings, to be a normal man, perfectly capable
of living alongside any one of us without raising suspicion. And that is Wilde's genius in charting
the rise of a sociopath of cleverness and cunning enough to match that even of Dr Hannibal Lecter
(God knows where and how she did her research). She presents us with a normal human being
capable of doing the most deviant atrocities, being able to justify them so that he can live with
himself. And yet, as a reader, I found myself drawn to this character with an increasing degree of
fascination. If you are a fan of both the crime and horror genres and want something special
to read this Christmas, go for The Venus Complex."
To read the full review, please order a copy of the excellent Fear Magazine,
edited by John Gilbert, from this website:
(The magazine also contains features on Nicholas (Chatterer) Burman-Vince & Stephen (Ghostwatch) Volk.)

More reviews for The Venus Complex on
Here is the first post-publication review of The Venus Complex.
For the full review from The Ginger Nuts of Horror, go to:
Excerpts from the review:
"This is one hell of a novel.
Barbie Wilde has written one of the most tense and powerful stories I have read in a long long time.
This is not a book for the faint of heart, there are passages in here that will truly shock you…"
"I don't know from which dark recess of Barbie's mind she dragged this story from,
but she is really beginning to scare me. It is as though some dark primal rage takes control
of her mind when she writes stories like this…"
"...fear not, this book isn't just about shocking the reader, which it does to the maximum.
This book is also extremely well written. You will become captivated by the sheer talent of Barbie's writing.
She manages to turn a vile evil character into someone that you will perversely start rooting for..."
"From reading her short stories I knew Barbie Wilde had a talent for writing.
With The Venus Complex, Barbie's talent has been given a much larger canvas to play with.
And Barbie has filled every square inch of the canvas with a stunningly brilliant work of fiction."
(If you enjoyed reading Ginger Nuts of Horror's review of The Venus Complex and wish to buy the book,
then please purchase it through the link to Amazon below the review on the website.
The small remuneration Jim receives goes a long way in keeping his site active.)
Barbie has started a writer's blog, as part of 'The Next Big Thing',
an ongoing chain of book and author recommendations.
Check it out here:
Barbie's story for the Cilicium Pandoric is now up on the Followers of the Pandorics website.
The Cilicium Pandoric is a musical puzzle box dedicated to Sister Cilice,
the female cenobite character from Barbie's story in the Hellbound Hearts Anthology.
The Cilicium Pandoric was co-designed with the talented Eric Gross. Check it out at:

Barbie now has a Facebook page dedicated to her new dark crime novel, The Venus Complex.
Check and *like* here for all the lastest news and reviews:
The latest interview with Barbie is a podcast at:
Barbie's dark crime novel, The Venus Complex, is available for purchase on
as a paperback and as a Kindle version. It's published by Comet Press.
Click here for more info:
Click on the image below to go to Amazon to order:

(cover artwork by Daniele Serra)
For readers on the other side of "the pond",
please go to Amazon UK:
or Amazon Germany:
or Amazon France:
or Amazon Italy:
or Amazon Spain:
And finally for readers in Japan:
(Latest interviews are with the CliveBarkerCast and The Death Rattle)
Barbie appeared at a Hellraiser Reunion at the 10th WEEKEND OF HORRORS Convention
02. - 04. November 2012 at the Saalbau in Bottrop, Germany.
Click the photo for the link to the site:

. . . about Barbie's short stories:
POLYP (The Mammoth Book of Body Horror)
SISTER CILICE (Hellbound Hearts)
Review of POLYP in SFX Magazine:
"The stories offer icky pleasure for those fascinated with a subgenre concerned with the body turning against itself. Some are funny and disgusting (Richard Matheson’s nuclear fallout nightmare ‘”Tis The Season To Be Jelly!”, Barbie Wilde’s bowel-with-a-brain-of-its-own yuk-fest “Polyp”)…"
For the full review, click here:
Fab review of POLYP by the Ginger Nuts of Horror:
“I normally have two ways in which I attack an anthology: the first is to go to my favourite author and the second is to start at the beginning. I usually do this when there are no authors that I am familiar with. TMBODH threw a spanner into the working of this process. I just didn't know where to start, other than not starting with Stephen King’s story Survivor Type. Hand on heart I have never been a fan of King.
So the honour fell to Barbie Wilde. I had just read one of her stories in another anthology [Phobophobia] and I had just finished compiling an interview with her. Barbie's story, Polyp, more than lived up to the task. This a wonderfully disgusting story that manages to both shock the reader and make them giggle. Barbie has created a brilliant twist on the creature feature genre. I really enjoyed how the tale went from being a very personal story into an apocalyptic cliff hanger. After reading this story, which in all reality was chosen at random, I knew this book was going to be great read.”
For the full review, click here:
Great mention for POLYP in Johnny Main's review of The Mammoth Book of Body Horror:
"It's surprising that a history of body horror in literature hasn't been done before now - so thanks to Marie O' Regan and Paul Kane for this treasure trove of stories - ranging from some classics in the genre, The Tell-Tale Heart, Survivor Type and The Body Politic to some stories that will almost certainly become classics of their time - the absurdist, very entertaining shocker Polyp to the brilliantly executed Sticky Eye - one of my favourite new stories in this anthology."
For the full review, click here:
Review of The Mammoth Book of Body Horror in Starburst Magazine:
Preview of The Mammoth Book of Body Horror with an interview with Paul Kane:
Review for U FOR URANOPHOBIA by the Ginger Nuts of Horror:
"Wow, wow, wow. That pretty much sums up my feelings about this story. Barbie has created a story that reads like a power of nature. Gaia's story is both powerful and deeply shocking. This tale of latent revenge and pent up anger was a joy to read."
For reviews of all the stories in Phobophobia, click here:
Barbie's short story, POLYP,
which is featured in the anothology THE MAMMOTH BOOK OF BODY HORROR,
is available at (paperback and Kindle):

The Mammoth Book of Body Horror
Twenty-Five Stories of Transformation, Mutation and Contagion
Edited by Paul Kane & Marie O’Regan
Editors of the bestselling and British Fantasy Award-nominated Hellbound Hearts
A very special and unique anthology celebrating the sub-genre of ‘Body Horror’, tracing its origins right up to the
most modern exponents of the form. Featuring a veritable ‘who’s who’ of horror literature, and including the stories
those classic Body Horror movies – The Thing, The Fly and Re-Animator – were based on,
this promises to be a groundbreaking and landmark release in the history of the genre.
Full Table of Contents below:
RE-ANIMATOR by H.P. Lovecraft; WHO GOES THERE? John W. Campbell; THE FLY by George Langelaan;
TIS THE SEASON TO BE JELLY by Richard Matheson; SURVIVOR TYPE by Stephen King; THE BODY POLITIC by Clive Barker; THE CHANEY LEGACY by Robert Bloch; THE OTHER SIDE by Ramsey Campbell; FRUITING BODIES by Brian Lumley; FREAKTENT by Nancy A. Collins; REGION OF THE FLESH by Richard Christian Matheson; WALKING WOUNDED by Michael Marshall Smith; CHANGES by Neil Gaiman; OTHERS by James Herbert; THE LOOK by Christopher Fowler; RESIDUE by Alice Henderson; DOG DAYS by Graham Masterton; BLACK BOX by Gemma Files; THE SOARING DEAD by Simon Clark; POLYP by Barbie Wilde; ALMOST FOREVER by David Moody; BUTTERFLY by Axelle Carolyn; STICKY EYE by Conrad Williams.
Introduction by Stuart Gordon (Director of Re-Animator and From Beyond)
Published 1 March 2012, £7.99
A Tale of Two Cenobites by Aaron Williams
Interviews with Barbie Wilde and Simon (Butterball Cenobite) Bamford
Click on the photo to order a back issue of Fangoria to read the interviews:

is available in the anthology MUTATION NATION (as Kindle or paperback). Order at:

Barbie's short story, U FOR URANOPHOBIA,
is featured in the horror anthology PHOBOPHOBIA (as Kindle or paperback)
Here's the link to for the paperback:
And here's the link to buy a Kindle version:

Barbie Wilde's short story, SISTER CILICE, is featured in the well-received horror anthology,
HELLBOUND HEARTS. (Pocket Books, a division of Simon and Schuster)
The stories are inspired by Clive Barker's THE HELLBOUND HEART & its mythology.
Other authors include Neil Gaiman, Dave McKean, Kelley Armstrong, Mike Mignola,
Christopher Golden, Pete Atkins, Sarah Pinborough, Nicko "Chatterer" Vince and many others.
With a foreward by Clive Barker and an afterword by Doug "Pinhead" Bradley.
Click here: HELLBOUND HEARTS - for more info, reviews and a link to
Hellbound Hearts is now available as a Kindle download
at and
Hellbound Hearts was shortlisted as Best Anthology 2010 by the British Fantasy Society
"Finally there’s Barbie Wilde, who played one of the Cenobites of the original HELLRAISER
and contributes “Sister Cilice,” a potent piece of nunspoloitation. It contains plenty of grotesquerie,
and, unlike the majority of the book’s other tales, doesn’t wait until the end to dish it out!"